Designer Pet Buttons

Monday, February 24, 2014

60 paintings done in sixty days

What can I say at this point about my daily painting?... It now is feeling very normal!... And I look forward to it...saved on my electric bill because I fill three or more hours in my studio area instead of watching TV... I paint standing... Walking around to check my work... Clean brushes etc.
   I now find I look at the fruit and veggies, when food shopping in a whole different way and loving it....

Oh yeah... This weak no wipeouts or do overs ... Which tells me I am applying what I have learned so far.... and that delights me.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Took a break this week

Well I painted every day for for 41 days...needed to get out a bit and digest all that I have learned...take inventory of my supplies  .... Clean out brush cleaner jar.... and oil medium container of paint residue .... find a place to let  my paintings dry undisturbed ....that is better than on my kitchen table...and some kind of storage for the dry ones.  All my work is 6x6 inches ... Sold one painting during the 41 days...I am waiting for it to dry completely before shipping it to buyer.

5 things I have learned today:

Parts of a painting seem dry but, I can be easily fooled.
Looking for a 6x6 size frame has to be ordered... Hard to find!
Being careless with brush cleaning fluids will wreck havoc on my hands.
I prefer long handle brushes to keep me from over-working and fussing too much.
I can use any color for a subject as long as the value is correct.